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Please check the Calander of Events page to keep up on date & time changes due to Covid19

Please pre-register by filling out the short show bill and emailing it back to us before the show.


Short Shows


Please Note:  If show needs to be cancelled due to weather, it will be announced by Noon that day.  Check our facebook page for cancellations.


The Friday Night Fun Shows are for current members only.


Entry Fee:  (is per horse rider combo)

Please specify which horse you wish to keep points on when entering.


Classes: Poles, Barrels, Flags & Arena race


Age Groups:

12 and under – only class to be awarded ribbons

13 to 18

19 and over


These dattes are weather permitting with no rain dates.

 See Calendar for date



Points go with the rider.

*For points you must designate one horse per class per night.


*You can ride more than one horse per night but you can only receive points on one horse per class.


*You can choose to ride in 2 different age groups- ex. You are 14 so you can ride in 13 to 18 and 19 and over if you choose to. You can only take points in one age group and the points stay with that age group.


Earning Points:

1st place - 10 points

2nd place - 8 points

3rd place - 6 points

4th place- 4 points


You earn points in each class and all 3 class points will be added together for one total.


Excessive use of a whip will disqualify you.


**Each age group will have three awards total for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Which will be a total of 9 awards unlike previous years where we had 3 awards for each class in each age group. These will be awarded at the annual Christmas Party.


**Awards will be up to the show committee and the board. They are undetermined as of now.


**If there is an issue with anything that pertains to the shows you must take it up with someone on that committee first. For any reason they can not solve the problem the committee will then take it to the board.


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